9013251349, 9818296182

List of published Research papers in Journals

  1. Devendra Singh, ‘Monitoring of Gross Primary Productivity of crops using Landsat data through blending with MODIS data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation’, Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 59-69.
  2. Devendra Singh, ‘Analysis of long-term time series of NDVI data generated using fusion of Landsat data with MODIS data, Atmósfera vol.25 no.1, 2012.
  3. Devendra Singh, ‘Algorithm using Fourier Analysis for the detection of crop phenology, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics’, vol.9, No.4, March 2010, pp.15-18.
  4. Devendra Singh, ‘Estimation of surface vapour pressure deficits using satellite derived land surface temperature data, Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics’, Vol. 39, February 2010, pp. 25-31.
  5. Devendra Singh, ‘THE USEFULNESS OF MODIS GPP FOR MAPPING THE CROP DAMAGED AREA DUE TO HAILSTORM’, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics (in press).
  6. V.F Xavier, A Chandrasekar and Devendra Singh, ‘The impact of assimilation of satellite derived wind observations for the prediction of a monsoon depression over India using a mesoscale model’, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, issue 24, December 2008, pp 7225-7250.
  7. Devendra Singh and Virendra Singh, ‘Improvement and Impact study of satellite derived CMVs over Indian region, Mausam’ ,4 October 2008, pp 491-496.
  8. Devendra Singh and R.C. Bhatia, ‘Development of Neural Network algorithm for the Retrieval of TPW from NOAA16 AMSU measurements, International Journal of Remote Sensing’. Vol.29(13-14), July 2008, pp.4045-4060.
  9. Devendra Singh, ‘Monitoring Tropical Cyclone Evolution with NOAA Satellites Microwave Observations’, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, Vol.37, June,2008, pp.179-184.
  10. Devendra Singh, S. Sandeep and A. Chandrasekar, ‘Combined IR–Microwave Satellite Retrieval of Temperature and moisture Profiles Using the ICI Inversion System and their impact on MM5 NWP Model’, Atmósfera 21(2), 191-212, 2008.
  11. Devendra Singh, ‘Performance of the AQUA/NASA and NOAA-16/ICI Soundings over India, Current Science’, VOL.93, NO. 9, 10 NOVEMBER 2007.
  12. Devendra Singh and Virendra Singh, ‘Impact of tropical cyclone on total ozone measured by TOMS-EP over Indian Region, Current Science’, VOL. 93, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2007, pp. 471-476.
  13. Devendra Singh, Virendra Singh and D.K. Malik, ‘Retrieval of TPW over ocean from locally received AMSU measurements, Mausam’,58,3(July 2007), pp375-380.
  14. S. Sandeep, A. Chandrasekar and Devendra Singh, ‘The impact of assimilation of AMSU data on the prediction of a tropical cyclone over India using a mesoscale model, International Journal of Remote Sensing’, vol.27, No.20,20 October 2006,4621-4653.
  15. Devendra Singh and R.C. Bhatia, ‘Retrieval of temperature and moisture profiles from satellite data over India using ICI inversion model, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics’, vol.36, February 2007, pp. 44-51.
  16. Devendra Singh and R.C. Bhatia, ‘Study of temperature and moisture profiles retrieved from microwave and hyperspectral infrared sounder data over Indian regions, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics’, vol.35, August 2006, pp286-292.
  17. Devendra Singh, R. C. Bhatia, S.K. Srivastav, Sant Prasad and R.K. Giri, ‘Operational use of improved CMVs derived from INSAT IR data in NWP Model over Indian region’, Mausam, vol.57, 2, April 2006, pp315-322.
  18. Devendra Singh, Y.V. Rama Rao, R.C. Bhatia, S.K. Srivastav and Sant Prasad,2005 Operational use of improved profiles by using Neural Network Technique derived from NOAA satellites Microwave data in NWP model over Indian region’, Mausam, vol.56, 2, April 2005, pp-357-366
  19. Devendra Singh, S.K. Srivastav and Sant Prasad, 2004,’Recent improvements in the Total Ozone derived from NOAA Satellites’. Bulletin of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology (IASTA), vol.55
  20. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia and S.K. Srivastav,” Satellite Analysis of tropical cyclone using NOAA-16 measurements over Indian regions”, Mausam, vol.55 No.1 (January 2004),149-154.
  21. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia and S.K. Srivastav, IMD New Delhi and Birbal Singh, R.B.S. College, Agra” Retrieval of atmospheric parameters from NOAA-16AMSU data over Indian region”, Mausam, vol.54 No.1 (January2003),107-110.
  22. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia and S.K. Srivastav, IMD New Delhi and Birbal Singh, R.B.S. College, Agra” Recent improvements in the retrievals of temperature and moisture profiles using NOAA-16 ATOVS data” Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol.15 No.2, 2003 September.
  23. Devendra Singh, B. Mukhopadhaya and H.N. Srivastava, 1997, “Climatic impact an atmospheric turbidity at some Indian stations” Mausam, 1997,48,1, pp. 33- 40.
  24. Devendra Singh,1998, “Rainwater composition at two BAPMON stations in India”, Mausam,1998,49,1,183-186.
  25. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh and S.K. Mukherjee,2001, Potential of monitoring Monsoon Onset with MSMR from IRS-P4”; Bulletin of the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS), June,2001, 73-80pp.
  26. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh and S.K. Mukharjee, 2001,” Monsoon onset-2000 monitored using multi frequency microwave radiometer on board Oceansat-1”, Current science, vol.81 no.6, 25 September 2001.

List of published Reports

  1. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh, Sant Prasad, A.K. Sharma and S.K. Mukharjee, IMD New Delhi and Baby Simon, S.K.H. Rahman and P.C. Joshi, SAC Ahamadabad and Swati Basu and P.G. Iyengar, NCMRWF, Noida and B. Manikiam, ISRO Bangalore, 2005 “Joint Report on monitoring of summer monsoon 2004”, Report no., IMD/SATMET/PEUG/2005.
  2. A S Kiran Kumar, SAC, Sant Prasad, IMD, Devendra Singh, IMD, G S Bhat, IISc, P C Joshi, SAC, Munmun Das Gupta, NCMRWF, B Manikiamm, ISRO, P N Mahajan, IITM, P K Thapliyal, SAC,” Report of the “Sensitivity analysis of INSAT-3D Sounder channels”,2004, Report no.1245.
  3. R.C. Bhatia, Brij Bhushan, Devendra Singh and S.K. Mukharjee, IMD New Delhi and V. Sathiymoorthy, Randhir Singh, Baby Simon, P.K. Pal and P.C. Joshi, SAC Ahamadabad,2002, “Utilization of MSMR data for monitoring onset of monsoon-2001”, Report No.: SAC/RESA /MOG/ASD/WW-SR/03/2001.
  4. R.C. Bhatia, R.K. Jain, Devendra Singh, S.K. Mukharjee and H.V. Gupta,2001,” Utilization of MSMR data monitoring: onset of monsoon-2000” SAC-IMD joint Report, SAC/RESA/MOG, IRS- P4 MSMR-UP SR/01/2001.

List of Research papers presented in International Conferences

  1. Devendra Singh, Impact of tropical cyclone on total ozone measured by TOMS-EP over Indian Region,”, sixteenth international TOVS/ATOVS workshop, Angra, RioDeJenerio, Brazil, 7-14 May 2008.
  2. Devendra Singh, Validation and inter comparisons of profiles from TOVS and AIRS data over India and its surrounding regions,”, Fifteenth international TOVS/ATOVS workshop, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy, 4-10 October 2006.
  3. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia and R.K. Giri, 2006, “Recent improvements in CMVs derived from Kalpana-1 and Insat3A data and their impact on NWP model, Proceedings of the 8th International Winds Workshop, Beijing, China, from 24-28 April 2006.
  4. R.C. Bhatia and Devendra Singh, 2006, Use of Meteosat-5 derived Water Vapor winds for operational use in IMD, Proceedings of the 8th International Winds Workshop, Beijing, China, from 24-28 April 2006.
  5. R.C. Bhatia and Devendra Singh, 2006, Use of Meteosat-5 derived winds for operational weather forecasting, International Conference on Mesoscale Processes Atmosphere, Ocean, and Environmental Systems (IMPA2006) February 14-17, 2006, IIT Delhi
  6. Devendra Singh, 2005,” Detection of Fog Using Derived Dual Channel Difference of MODIS Data”, International EOS/NPP Direct Readout Meeting, Benevento Italy, 3-6 October 2005.
  7. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia and Sant Prasad, 2005,” A neural network-based algorithm for the retrieval of TPW from AMSU measurements”, Fourteenth international TOVS/ATOVS workshop, Beijing, China, 25– 31 May 2005.
  8. Devendra Singh, Sant Prasad and R.C. Bhatia, 2005,” Intercomparison of Temperature Profiles retrieved from Microwave and Infrared Sounder data over India and surrounding regions”, International Conference “MONEX and its Legacy” Celebrating 25th anniversary of Summer Monsoon Experiment-1979, 3-7 February 2005 New Delhi
  9. Devendra Singh, S.K. Srivastav, Sant Prasad and A.K. Sharma, 2004,” Recent improvements in the Total Ozone derived from NOAA Satellite”, Proceeding IASTA meeting and International Conference Aerosols, Clouds and Indian Monsoon, November 15-17, 2004, IIT Kanpur.
  10. Sant Prasad, Devendra Singh, Y.V. Rama Rao and V. Rajeswari Rao, 2004, “Retrieval and validation of Cloud Motion Vectors (CMV)using Infrared data from Kalpana-1 Satellite”, Proceedings of the 7th International Winds Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, from 14-17 June 2004.
  11. Devendra Singh, Y.V. Rama Rao, R.C. Bhatia, and S.K. Srivastav ,2003, Recent improvements in Temperature and Moisture profiles using NOAA satellites AMSU data and their impact on NWP model over Indian region”, Thirteenth international TOVS/ATOVS workshop, Quebec, Canada, 29 Oct.– 4 Nov. 2003.
  12. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia, S.K. Srivastav and S. Prasad, “Validation of Atmospheric temperature profiles derived using Neural Network approach from AMSU-A measurements onboard NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 satellites and their applications for tropical cyclone analysis”, Twelfth International TOVS/ATOVS workshop, Lorne , Australia , 27 Feb. – 5 March ,2002.
  13. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia, Rajeswari Rao and H.V. Gupta, 2000,” Validation of SST derived from NOAA-AVHRR data with observed SST from drifting Buoy data”, Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) Proceeding vol.-I, pp163-166. GOA, India, Dec 5- 8,2000
  14. Devendra Singh, S.G. Gharekar, Usha Ravindran, A.N. Gaikwad and T. Ramana Rao ,1997, “Residence time of Sulphur Dioxide at BAPMoN Stations in India”. IGBP proceedings, 1997, pp.97-101, Bhubaneswar, 15-17 Jan. 1997.
  15. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh, V. Rajeshwar Rao and S.K. Mukharjee, 2001,” Validation of quantitative precipitation estimate derived from INSAT data”, presented in international conference on monsoon from Days to years and WMO workshop, 21-26th March 2001, New Delhi, India.
  16. P.N. Khanna, R.C. Bhatia and Devendra Singh “Recent improvements in INSAT derived CMVs”, Fifth International wind workshop, Lorne, Australia, 28 Feb. –3 March ,2000, pp. 103- 108.
  17. R.C. Bhatia, P.N. Khanna and Devendra Singh,1999, “Use of meteosat-5 derived Winds for analysis of two tropical cyclones affecting Gujrat Coast on 4th May,1999 and Orissa coast on 28th Oct.1999”, International Wind Workshop, Lorne, Australia, 28 Feb. - 3 March 2000, pp. 135-142.
  18. Y.V. Rama Rao, R.C. Bhatia, H.R. Hatwar, S.K. Roy Bhowmik, Devendra Singh and S.K. Mukherjee,” Impact of ATOVS observations on the analysis and forecast of IMD’s operational regional model”, 2003, The 2003 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Weimar, Germany, 29Sept.-3Oct. 2003.
  19. V. Rajeswara Rao, Devendra Singh and R.C. Bhatia, 2000 “Statistical analysis from SST and OLR derived from NOAA-AVHRR over the tropical ocean” PORSEC-Proceedings, Vol.II, pp. 610-612, GOA, India, Dec. 5-8,2000.
  20. R.C. Bhatia and Devendra Singh,2002, “Validation of Water Vapour and Wind Speed products derived from MSMR payload onboard IRS_P4 Satellite and meteorological applications of data products”, France.
  21. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh, Sant Prasad and S.K. Mukharjee “Recent improvements in INSAT derived CMVs”, Sixth International wind workshop, Wisconsin, USA, 4 – 9 May ,2002.
  22. R.C. Bhatia, S.K. Srivastav and Devendra Singh,” INSAT Meteorological Satellite System - An Overview” presented in International conference on Meteorological satellite, year 2002 held at Dublin, Ireland from 2-6 September 2002.

List of Research papers presented in National Conferences

  1. V. F Xavier1, A. Chandrasekar1*, Devendra Singh2,3, 1 Department of Physics and Meteorology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India,2 Department of Science and Technology, India , Sensitivity studies on the effect of assimilation of surface (QuikSCAT) and upper air (INSAT- CMV) wind observation in a mesoscale model: A case study, Tropmet 2006, IITM, Pune
  2. V. F Xavier1, A. Chandrasekar1*, Devendra Singh2,3, 1 Department of Physics and Meteorology, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India,2 Department of Science and Technology, India , Analysis of tropical cyclones formed over the Indian region using satellite data, Tropmet 2006, IITM, Pune
  3. Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia and S.K. Srivastav, IMD New Delhi and Birbal Singh, R.B.S. College, Agra,” ATOVS retrievals for local hrpt at New Delhi”, National symposium and workshop on forecasting and mitigation of meteorological disasters: tropical cyclones and floods and droughts, held at Bhubaneswar from 11-14, Feb.,2002.
  4. Devendra Singh, Sant Prasad and A.M. Sud,1999, “Inter annual climate modes over Indian region using OLR data derived from INSAT IR band” Proceedings of National Symposium, TROPMET-99, held at Chennai from 16-19 Feb.,1999, pp. 37-42.
  5. H.V. Gupta, Devendra Singh and V. Rajeshwar Rao, 2000, “Estimation of rain rate using INSAT IR data over Delhi”, TROPMET 2000: Ocean and Atmosphere, pp. 315-319.
  6. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh and S.K. Mukharjee ,2001, “Recent improvements in INSAT derived CMVs”, held at Mumbai from feb.5-9., 2001 TROPMET 2001: ‘Meteorology for sustainable development’.
  7. R.C. Bhatia, Devendra Singh and S.K. Mukharjee ,2001“Validation of Ocean surface wind speed and water vapour derived from ‘Multi- Spectral Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) Onboard Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS-P4)’ held at Mumbai from feb.,5-9, 2001 TROPMET 2001: Meteorology for sustainable development.
  8. R.K. Giri, Devendra Singh, R.C. Bhatia, S.K. Mukharjee and Sant Prasad ,2002,” Validation of SST derived from NOAA-16 AVHRR with observed SST from drifting BUOY”, National symposium and workshop on forecasting and mitigation of meteorological disasters: tropical cyclones and floods and droughts, held at Bhubaneswar from 11-14, Feb.,2002.